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Approved projects and activities

This page contains information about projects and activities that have been approved.

Offshore projects

An offshore project is undertaken to recover oil and/or gas and a number of petroleum activities will be undertaken throughout a projects lifecycle such as development, well construction, facility installation, production operations and decommissioning.

Each project page contains an overview of the project and links to individual activities that are underway for the relevant project. Only development activities that have an ‘in force’ environment plan (EP) are displayed on project pages. Other activities that previously formed part of the project and are no longer underway can be found on the historical activities page.

Offshore projects in Commonwealth waters that were approved prior to NOPSEMA's establishment, and those with an accepted offshore project proposal (OPP) are also displayed on this page. For more information about the OPP assessment process see the OPP page.


Activities listed on this page have an ‘in force’ environment plan accepted by NOPSEMA. Each activity page contains an overview of the activity, an activity location map and titleholder contact details. Related environment plan assessment information can also be accessed for each activity.

Activities have been categorised as exploration (and other related activities) or development, noting only development activities are linked to an offshore project.

Find an approved project or activity

To search for an approved project or activity use the search tool below. Enter keywords for a free text search, or narrow the results by using the filters. Once results have been returned, click on the names of individual activities to view further details about that activity.

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Keyword search

Activity name Activity types Lifecycle Classification Organisation Project
Griffin Gas Export Pipeline Decommissioning Decommissioning, dismantling or removing a pipeline
Decommissioning Woodside Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd Griffin Development View
Bonaparte Basin 3D Marine Seismic Survey Any other greenhouse gas-related activity
Exploration INPEX Browse E&P Pty Ltd No associated project View
TPA03 Well Intervention Drilling
Operation & Production Woodside Energy Ltd North West Shelf View
Griffin Decommissioning and Field Management Decommissioning, dismantling or removing a facility
Any other petroleum-related activity
Decommissioning Woodside Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd Griffin Development View
Exploration Drilling WA-285-P & WA-343-P Drilling
Exploration INPEX Browse E&P Pty Ltd No associated project View
Nganhurra Operations Cessation Any other petroleum-related activity
Decommissioning Woodside Energy Ltd Greater Enfield Project (Australia Oil) View
WA-474-P, WA-70-R Abandoned and Suspended Wells Other survey
Decommissioning Western Gas (70 R) Pty Ltd No associated project View
Browse Commonwealth Wellhead Decommissioning Any other petroleum-related activity
Decommissioning Woodside Browse Pty Ltd North West Shelf View
Thebe-1 Wellhead Decommissioning Any other petroleum-related activity
Decommissioning Woodside Energy Scarborough Pty Ltd North West Shelf View
Wheatstone Project - Start-Up and Operations Operation of a facility for the recovery or processing of petroleum
Operation of a petroleum pipeline
Operation & Production Chevron Australia Pty Ltd Wheatstone View
Calthorpe-1 Wellhead Decommissioning Any other petroleum-related activity
Decommissioning Woodside Energy Ltd North West Shelf View
Varanus Island Hub Operations Recovery of petroleum using a subsea installation
Operation of a petroleum pipeline
Operation & Production Santos WA Southwest Pty Limited Varanus Island Hub View
Project name Organisation No of activities
BassGas Beach Energy (Operations) Limited 1 View
Otway Offshore Development (Thylacine and Geographe) Beach Energy (Operations) Limited 4 View
Griffin Development BHP Billiton Petroleum Pty Ltd 3 View
Wheatstone Chevron Australia Pty Ltd 2 View
Gorgon Chevron Australia Pty Ltd 3 View
Bayu-Undan Field Development ConocoPhillips 2 View
Barossa Area Development ConocoPhillips Australia Exploration 3 View
Casino, Henry and Netherby Development Cooper Energy 1 View
Gippsland Offshore Development Cooper Energy 4 View
Woollybutt Eni Australia Limited Activities yet to commence View
Blacktip Gas Eni Australia Limited 2 View
Bass Strait Development Esso Australia Resources Limited 3 View