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Open for comment

Environment plan proposals that are currently open for comment are listed below. These proposals have not undergone an assessment by NOPSEMA and have been published to NOPSEMA's website following an administrative check only. NOPSEMA's formal assessment process will commence when the titleholder submits an environment plan for assessment following the public comment process. The timing of a formal submission to NOPSEMA for assessment is a matter for the titleholder and is not set by NOPSEMA.

To view details about an exploration activity of interest including a location map, contact details for the titleholder and a copy of the environment plan click the ‘view’ button for any of proposals listed below. For information about environment plans submitted prior to 25 April 2019, see the Historical page.

The public comment process provides an opportunity for community members to raise issues about environmental management matters that have not yet been considered in an environment plan for the proposed activity. To be considered a relevant issue or key matter, a comment must relate to the information contained in the environment plan. Comments could, for example relate to:

  • the way the existing environment is described in the environment plan for the proposed activity
  • the environmental impacts and environmental risks of the activity
  • the titleholders proposed management measures for reducing the environmental impacts and environmental risks
  • the titleholders proposed methods for monitoring the environmental performance of the activity

If there is new information that NOPSEMA and/ or the titleholder should consider, commenters are encouraged to provide supporting documents, such as data or scientific reports, or clearly labelled photographs or maps. These can be uploaded via the online platform. It is also important that commenters double check which activity they are submitting a public comment for. Comments submitted accidently for a different activity will not be considered, nor can they be redirected to the correct activity/titleholder.

Information that is irrelevant to NOPSEMA’s decision making criteria cannot be considered, examples include:

  • statements of fundamental objection to oil and gas activity
  • comments that contain personal threats or profanities
  • comments that pose questions to NOPSEMA and or/the titleholder
  • comments made through online social media channels
  • SPAM mail
  • petitions

The closing dates for each public comment period are provided below. Comments must be provided before the end dates; and any received after this time will not be considered. Once the public comment period has closed, all comments will be provided to the titleholder. For more information see the Have your say on environmental aspects of offshore energy activities brochure.

To have your say about an activity of interest, click the ‘comment’ button.

Activity type Activity name Lifecycle classification Submitted by Submission date Consultation opens Consultation closes Status
Drilling Beehive Multi-Well Exploration Drilling Exploration EOG Resources Australia Block WA-488 Pty Ltd 02-07-2024 08-07-2024 07-08-2024 Open for comment View Comment

Public comment period recently closed

The comment period for the following environment plans has been recently closed, and are now awaiting resubmission by the titleholder.