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Project - North West Shelf

Description of project

The North West Shelf Project, which has been in operation since 1995, comprises the Goodwyn A (GWA), Angel, and North Rankin production platforms, and associated subsea infrastructure. The facilities are operated by Woodside on behalf of the North West Shelf Project participants.
Gas and condensate from these reservoirs is transported via a network of pipelines to the GWA and North Rankin Platforms and then onshore to the Karratha Gas Plant for processing. The Okha Floating Production Storage associated subsea infrastructure is part of the CWLH Project operated by Woodside.

Company: Woodside Energy Ltd
Title(s) WA-1-L

Name Mr Daniel Cleary
Position .
Telephone +61893484000
Project Map (click to enlarge)
Project map - North West Shelf  (refer to Description)


Activities for this project

Organisation Activity Type Activity name Status
Woodside Energy Ltd Operation of a facility for the recovery or processing of petroleum Angel Facility Operations Pending titleholder notification
Woodside Energy Ltd Operation of a facility for the recovery or processing of petroleum Goodwyn Alpha (GWA) Facility Operations Pending titleholder notification
Woodside Energy Ltd Operation of a facility for the recovery or processing of petroleum North Rankin Complex Facility Operations Started
Woodside Energy Ltd Operation of a facility for the recovery or processing of petroleum OKHA Floating Production Storage and Offloading Facility Operations Started
Woodside Energy Ltd Decommissioning, dismantling or removing a pipeline Echo Yodel Subsea Decommissioning Started
Woodside Energy Ltd Drilling Greater Western Flank 3 and Lambert Deep Drilling and Subsea Installation Stopped
Woodside Energy Ltd Drilling Echo Yodel and Capella Plugging for Abandonment Started
Woodside Energy Ltd Any other petroleum-related activity Calthorpe-1 Wellhead Decommissioning Pending titleholder notification
Woodside Energy Scarborough Pty Ltd Any other petroleum-related activity Thebe-1 Wellhead Decommissioning Pending titleholder notification
Woodside Browse Pty Ltd Any other petroleum-related activity Browse Commonwealth Wellhead Decommissioning Pending titleholder notification
Woodside Energy Ltd Drilling TPA03 Well Intervention Pending titleholder notification
Santos Limited Drilling Mutineer Exeter Plug and Abandonment Started
Chevron Australia Pty Ltd Construction and installation of a pipeline Gorgon Gas Development Gorgon Umbilical Stopped
Woodside Energy Ltd Other survey Goodwyn Alpha Geophysical and Geotechnical Surveys Stopped
