The Stybarrow Development is in cessation phase and produced crude oil from the Stybarrow and Eskdale reservoirs. First oil was produced in 2007 and production ceased in 2015.
The Stybarrow Development is situated within production licence WA-32-L located on the North West Shelf in Commonwealth waters ranging from 700 to 850 m depth, approximately 51 km northwest of the North West Cape, Western Australia.
Subsea infrastructure connected the reservoirs to the Stybarrow floating production, storage and offtake (FPSO) facility, which was installed on a spider buoy. Oil was exported from the FPSO to export tankers.
The Stybarrow Development is now in non-production phase and the FPSO has been removed. At the cessation of production, all wells were bull-headed and valves were pressure tested and closed. Flowlines were flushed with treated seawater. Ongoing operations involve periodic surface and subsea inspections of the remaining subsea infrastructure.
Well abandonment and full-field decommissioning of the remaining infrastructure will be undertaken at a future point in time and will be subject to separate approvals for this phase of activities.