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Activity - NWS and Julimar Exploration Wellhead Decommissioning

Activity details
Organisation Woodside Energy Ltd
Activity types Decommissioning, dismantling or removing a facility
In-force EP 7668
Submission date 20 December, 2023
Outcome Accepted
Acceptance date 03 July, 2024
Locations North West
Start date 20 September, 2024
Stop date Pending titleholder notification
Lifecycle Classification Decommissioning
Please note: activity start and stop dates are based on notifications provided by the titleholder.

Titleholder contact
Andrew Winter
Phone: 0893484000

Activity Description
Woodside is planning to decommission thirty-six historical exploration wells located across the North West Shelf of Western Australia. Thirty wells are located in Commonwealth waters around 117 km northwest of Dampier in North West Shelf permit areas WA-3-L, WA-9-L, WA-11-L, WA-5-L, WA-24-L, WA-56-L, WA-57-L, WA-58-L, WA-1-L, WA-16-L, and WA-52-L. Six wells are located in Commonwealth waters around 170 km northwest of Dampier in Julimar permit area WA-49-L. Twenty of the wells are currently accepted by the relevant regulator as permanently abandoned. This means permanent plugs have been installed in the wells to prevent hydrocarbon release to the environment. The remaining sixteen wells are currently being assessed for their suitability to be accepted as permanently abandoned.

Activities under this EP include ongoing management of wells including inspection, maintenance and repair (IMR), and removal of wellheads and associated infrastructure for wells accepted as permanently abandoned. IMR activities may include inspection of wells to confirm adequacy of barriers for permanent abandonment. Wellheads will be removed using an abrasive water jet cutting method or diamond wire saw. Activities are anticipated to commence in H2 2024 with the removal of wellheads accepted as abandoned. Additional campaigns will be planned over the life of the EP to conduct IMR and remove wellheads for wells that become accepted as permanently abandoned. Activities will be completed from an offshore support vessel, which may be supported by a general support vessel. The vessels will operate on dynamic positioning (DP) and is anticipated to not anchor/moor on the seabed.

IMR activities are expected to take up to 3 days per well, where required. Removal and recovery activities are expected to take approximately 3 days per well, however could take up to 10 days per well. Duration of activities is subject to change due to project schedule requirements, vessel availability, weather or other unforeseen circumstances. When underway, vessels are expected to operate 24 hours per day for the duration of the activities
Location map (click to enlarge)
Location map - Activity: NWS and Julimar Exploration Wellhead Decommissioning (refer to description)

Accepted EP Documents

EP Document A1080491 (39.5 MB)

Related EP assessments

7668 (Click to view)
