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Activity - Goodwyn Alpha Geophysical and Geotechnical Surveys

Activity details
Organisation Woodside Energy Ltd
Project North West Shelf
Activity types Other survey
In-force EP 7675
Submission date 15 December, 2023
Outcome Accepted
Acceptance date 30 May, 2024
Locations North West
Start date 12 August, 2024
Stop date 04 September, 2024
Lifecycle Classification Development
Please note: activity start and stop dates are based on notifications provided by the titleholder.

Titleholder contact
Andrew Winter
Phone: 0893484000

Activity Description
Woodside Energy Ltd proposes to conduct a series of geotechnical and geophysical surveys which will collectively form the Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Activities Program (PGGAP). The PGGAP is proposed to be undertaken to support future activities within multiple title areas, including the Goodwyn A (GWA) infill development, plug and abandonment (P&A) activities at various wells and future exploration activities for greenhouse gas activities and petroleum activities.

Woodside plans to collect high resolution geotechnical and geophysical data to inform the design of flowlines and umbilical routes, design of subsea structure foundation locations and planning for mobile offshore drilling unit (MODU) anchoring or jack-up location associated with the GWA infill development, P&A activities and future exploration activities.

The PGGAP is located on the Northwest shelf adjacent to Woodside's GWA platform and North Rankin complex, approximately 32 km from the nearest shoreline (Montebello Islands) and approximately 123 km to Dampier on mainland WA. The PGGAP will occur within three Operational Areas (OA) defined as A, B, and C. The area and water depth of each OA ranges between 171 km2 – 1340 km2 and approx. 20 – 190 m, respectively.

At least two project vessels will be required to complete the activities associated with the PGGAP. One that is capable of conducting geophysical surveys (such as a multi-purpose project survey vessel) and one to undertake geotechnical surveys (such as a geotechnical drilling vessel). There may also be times where a smaller geotechnical survey vessel is required to undertake surveys along proposed pipeline routes.

Geophysical and geotechnical survey(s) within the OA may use the following survey equipment:
• Multibeam Echo Sounder
• Side Scan Sonar
• Magnetometer
• Sub Bottom Profiler (SBP) (Boomer/Sparker and/or Chirp)
• Box cores/grab sample
• Piston/Gravity/Vibro cores
• Drilling core holes
• Cone Penetrometer Test

The PGGAP is anticipated to commence in Q1 2025 and is forecast a total of approximately 18 weeks to complete with vessels operating 24 hours a day. It is possible that the PGGAP will not be undertaken in a single campaign and the approximately 18-week activity may be split over the five-year period of this EP. Timing and duration may be subject to change due to project vessel availability, unforeseen circumstances and weather.
Location map (click to enlarge)
Location map - Activity: Goodwyn Alpha Geophysical and Geotechnical Surveys (refer to description)

Accepted EP Documents

EP Document A1081548 (44.6 MB)
