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Activity - Angel Facility Operations

Activity details
Organisation Woodside Energy Ltd
Project North West Shelf
Activity types Operation of a facility for the recovery or processing of petroleum
Operation of a petroleum pipeline
In-force EP 7548
Submission date 29 August, 2023
Outcome Accepted
Acceptance date 25 June, 2024
Locations North West
Start date Pending titleholder notification
Stop date Pending titleholder notification
Lifecycle Classification Operation & Production
Please note: activity start and stop dates are based on notifications provided by the titleholder.

Titleholder contact
Andrew Winter
Phone: 08 9348 4000

Activity Description
Woodside is submitting a revision of the North West Shelf (NWS) Project’s Angel Operations Environment Plan in accordance with the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Environment) Regulations 2009 (Cth). The Angel platform is located in Commonwealth waters about 125 km north-west of Karratha in Western Australia and has been operating since 2008. The facility consists of subsea hydrocarbon gathering systems, a riser platform and an export pipeline. This Environment Plan is being revised and resubmitted to integrate drilling, subsea installation, commissioning (drilling and tie-back) and production from the Lambert West reservoir (Lambert West tie-back) into the existing Angel production systems. The following activities are proposed to occur within Production Licences WA-16-L and WA-3-L and Pipeline Licences WA-31-PL and WA-14-PL:
• routine production and associated activities
• routine inspection, monitoring, maintenance and repair (IMMR) of the platform and associated subsea infrastructure
• well clean up and commissioning
• drill new well in the Lambert West field
• subsea infrastructure installation
• pre-commissioning and commissioning activities.
The Angel facility will operate 24 hours a day for the 5-year duration of this EP. The Lambert West drilling and tie-back activities are planned to occur in 2024, with contingency to occur in 2025.
Angel is an offshore not normally manned (NNM) production platform that produces dry gas and condensate. Gas and condensate is processed on the Angel platform then transported via an export pipeline to the North Rankin Complex, and then onshore to the Karratha Gas Plant (KGP) for processing. The Angel platform is marked on nautical maps surrounded by a 500 m exclusion zone to shipping.
Location map (click to enlarge)
Location map - Activity: Angel Facility Operations (refer to description)

Accepted EP Documents

EP Document A1090786 (71.3 MB)
