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Project - Gippsland Offshore Development

Description of project

Cooper Energy’s Gippsland Offshore Development consists of the Sole and Patricia Baleen gas fields and the and Basker Manta Gummy (BMG) oil/gas fields, along with associated subsea infrastructure. This infrastructure includes two subsea pipelines to the onshore Orbost Gas Plant.

The Sole gas field is scheduled to commence production in the second half of 2019. The field consists of 2 subsea wells connected to the Orbost Gas Plant by a subsea pipeline and a subsea control umbilical.

The Patricia-Baleen fields are in a non-productive phase and the infrastructure is shut in. The field consists of 2 subsea wells connected to the Orbost Gas Plant by a subsea pipeline and a subsea control umbilical.

The BMG fields are in a non-productive phase and the infrastructure is shut in. A floating production, storage and offloading vessel (FPSO) and associated mid-water infrastructure was removed from the field in 2010. The remaining infrastructure consists of seven subsea wells and a subsea manifold.

Offshore operations for the fields include periodic inspection plus maintenance and repair activities on subsea infrastructure.

The fields are located between 25 and 57 km offshore in Bass Strait, Victoria, in water depths of between 54 and 263 metres.

Company: Cooper Energy
Title(s) VIC/RL17

Name Mr Iain MacDougall
Position General Manager Operations
Telephone +61 8 8100 4900
Project Map (click to enlarge)
Project map - Gippsland Offshore Development  (refer to Description)


Activities for this project

Organisation Activity Type Activity name Status
Cooper Energy (PBF) Pty. Ltd. Operation of a petroleum pipeline Gippsland Offshore Operations Stopped
Carnarvon Hibiscus Pty Ltd Any other petroleum-related activity West Seahorse-3/Wardie-1 Non Production Operations Started
Amplitude Energy Ltd Decommissioning, dismantling or removing a facility BMG Closure Project Phase 2 Started
Carnarvon Hibiscus Pty Ltd Any other petroleum-related activity West Seahorse-3/Wardie-1 Wells Non-production Operations Pending titleholder notification
