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Activity - West Seahorse-3/Wardie-1 Non Production Operations

Activity details
Organisation Carnarvon Hibiscus Pty Ltd
Project Gippsland Offshore Development
Activity types Any other petroleum-related activity
In-force EP 5045
Submission date 04 November, 2019
Outcome Accepted
Acceptance date 28 November, 2019
Locations Gippsland
Start date 28 November, 2019
Stop date Pending titleholder notification
Lifecycle Classification Decommissioning
Please note: activity start and stop dates are based on notifications provided by the titleholder.

Titleholder contact
Mark Paton
Phone: +603 2028 1025

Activity Description
The West Seahorse-3 (WSH-3) well was drilled in 2008 in the then Exploration Permit Vic/P57. The well is located in Commonwealth waters in eastern Bass Strait approximately 13 km off the Gippsland coast (see location map).
The well intersected the primary sandstone at 1,561 metres below the rotary table (mRT) and confirmed the presence of an oil column down to 1,570 mRT in a high-quality reservoir. Following completion of the well, WSH-3 was successfully temporarily abandoned (TA) in accordance with international standards for well integrity.

Carnarvon Hibiscus Pty Limited’s (CHPL), a wholly owned subsidiary of Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad, acquired the Vic/P57 permit in December 2012 and successfully applied for a Production Licence (Vic/L31) over a portion of the block holding the West Seahorse Field, which was granted by the National Offshore Petroleum Titles Authority (NOPTA) in December 2013. At this time, 3D Oil was the joint titleholder with CHPL until September 2014 when CHPL purchased 3D Oil’s share in the permit. CHPL has since been the 100% titleholder and Operator of Vic/L31. Since CHPL’s acquisition of Vic/L31, there have been no further works on WSH-3. The WSH-3 wellhead remains TA in place until such time as it is completed as an oil producer or it is permanently abandoned.

This EP covers the West Seahorse-3 non-production operations phase of the TA well for the next five years.
The risk of hydrocarbon fluids release from WSH-3 is no different to a permanently abandoned well. Therefore, risks to well integrity and to the receiving environment from leaking hydrocarbons is ALARP. As such, no vessel-based inspection and maintenance activities are required. The environmental impact and risk assessment is therefore limited to the physical presence of the WSH-3 wellhead on the seabed.
Location map (click to enlarge)
Location map - Activity: West Seahorse-3 Non-production Operations  (refer to description)

Accepted EP Documents

EP Document A704998 (5.33 MB)
