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Otway Offshore Operations - Casino, Netherby & Henry Revision

Activity type Operation of a petroleum pipeline
Activity subtypes
Lifecycle Classification Operation & Production
Submitted by Cooper Energy (CH) Pty. Ltd.
Submission date 18 July, 2022
Subtype Revision
Decision date 11 December, 2024
RMS ID 7101
Status Finalised
Outcome Accepted
Link to previously accepted EP 3964 - Otway Offshore Operations - Casino, Netherby & Henry Revision
Nathan Childs
Phone: +61 8 81004900
Location map (click to enlarge)
Location map - Activity: Otway Offshore Operations - Casino, Netherby & Henry Revision (refer to description)

The Otway offshore gas fields and facilities are situated off the coast of Port Campbell, Victoria. The gas fields are located within production licences VIC/L24 and VIC/L30, excised from the greater VIC/P44 licence area. Gas and condensate are produced via subsea wells and transported through a subsea pipeline to the Athena Gas Plant (previously called the Minerva Gas Plant) for processing. Processed gas sold to domestic customers and transported via 3rd party pipelines for use in south east

Production commenced in 2006 from the Casino field (Stage I), with subsequent stages integrating additional fields, wells and connecting flowlines to top-up production, supplying continued demand in the domestic market.
Cooper Energy became operator of the facility in 2017 and owners in partnership with Mitsui E&P Australia and Peedamullah Petroleum, original partners of the VIC/P44 joint venture.

The Otway Offshore Operations Environment Plan provides for a range of offshore activities including:
- Operation of the offshore facilities in Commonwealth and State waters
- Inspection, Maintenance and Repair activities

The Otway offshore facilities are entirely subsea. During normal operations the subsea facilities are monitored and operated by specialist operators at the Athena Gas Plant. Periodic offshore campaigns to inspect, maintain and repair infrastructure / equipment are undertaken by vessels. Campaign durations range from a few days to multiple weeks, and the activities are undertaken on a 24/7 basis. Vessels will typically mobilise to a port in regional or metropolitan Victoria for supplies prior to transiting to the offshore facilities.

Other Details
Locations Otway
Commonwealth waters adjacent to VIC
Titles (or other instruments) VIC/PL42
Current Documents (Finalised)
EP Document

OPEP Document

OSMP Document

Location map

Statement of reasons

Previous EP Documents (Under assessment)
EP Document

OPEP Document

Location map
