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Activity - Pluto Facility Operations

Activity details
Organisation Woodside Burrup Pty Ltd
Project Pluto LNG
Activity types Operation of a facility for the recovery or processing of petroleum
Significant modification of a facility
In-force EP 4549
Submission date 04 July, 2018
Outcome Accepted
Acceptance date 30 May, 2019
Locations North West
Start date Pending titleholder notification
Stop date Pending titleholder notification
Lifecycle Classification Operation & Production
Please note: activity start and stop dates are based on notifications provided by the titleholder.

Titleholder contact
Andrew Winter
Phone: 08 9438 4000

Activity Description

Woodside is submitting a revised Environment Plan for the Pluto Offshore Facility Operations in accordance with the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Environment) Regulations 2009 (Cth). The Pluto platform is located in Commonwealth waters approximately 174 km north-west of Karratha in Western Australia and has been operating since 2012. The current Environment Plan is required to be revised every five years.The Pluto platform is operated as a Not Normally Manned (NNM) facility with remote operations from the Pluto Onshore Central Control Room. The Pluto Offshore Facility currently produces gas and condensate from the Pluto and Xena gas fields which is transported via a 36-inch 180 km trunk line to the onshore Pluto Gas Plan for processing and export to customers.The Pluto platform is more than 211 m tall and stands in a water depth of 85 m. The platform combines production facilities, utilities and temporary living quarters for maintenance activities.Pluto has currently has seven production wells, and has a daily production capacity of up to 20,500 tonnes of gas and up to 8996 bbls of condensate. The Pluto platform is marked on nautical maps surrounded by a 500 m exclusion zone to shipping.The revised EP will incorporate;the operation of Pluto Platform situated in Infrastructure Licence WA-1-IL, wells and associated subsea infrastructure located in Production Licence WA-34-L,pipelines and flowlines located in pipelines licences WA-16-L and WA-17-L and the installation and commissioning of a produced water treatment module on the platform.

Location map (click to enlarge)
Location map - Activity: Pluto Facility Operations (refer to description)

EP Documents

EP Document A680743 (4.9 MB)
Decision notifications A681684 (7.58 MB)
A622716 (714 KB)
