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Activity - Barossa Darwin Pipeline Duplication Project

Activity details
Organisation Santos NA Barossa Pty Ltd
Project Barossa Area Development
Activity types Construction and installation of a pipeline
In-force EP 7878
Submission date 18 June, 2024
Outcome Accepted
Acceptance date 16 October, 2024
Locations Northern Territory
Start date Pending titleholder notification
Stop date Pending titleholder notification
Lifecycle Classification Development
Please note: activity start and stop dates are based on notifications provided by the titleholder.

Titleholder contact
Michael Marren
Phone: 0862187100

Activity Description
The Barossa Gas Project is an offshore natural gas and condensate development proposed to backfill gas supply to the existing Darwin LNG (DLNG) facility at Wickham Point. Natural gas would be extracted from the Barossa field, located in Commonwealth waters approximately 285 kilometres offshore north-north west from Darwin, and transported via gas pipeline (Gas Export Pipeline (GEP) and Darwin Pipeline Duplication (Barossa DPD Project)) to the existing DLNG facility. Santos NA Barossa Pty Ltd (Santos), is the Operator of the Barossa Gas Project, on behalf of co-venturers SK E&S Australia Pty Ltd, JERA Barossa Pty Ltd and Santos Offshore Pty Ltd, with first gas production expected in the third quarter of 2025.

The Barossa DPD Project involves the proposal to install approximately 123 km of pipeline—comprised of approximately 23 km in Commonwealth waters (the ‘Barossa DPD Activity’ covered under this EP) and 100 km in Northern Territory (NT) waters (DPD [NT]) (outside the scope of this EP). The Barossa DPD Project is described in the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) (EPBC Act) referral (EPBC 2022/09372). The Barossa DPD Project was determined to be a controlled action and approved by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) under the EPBC Act.

The total duration of the Barossa DPD Activity (excluding the preservation period) is estimated to be approximately three months, subject to factors including vessel availability, operational efficiencies and weather conditions. This campaign is currently planned to commence between Q3 2024 and Q2 2025, subject to obtaining relevant approvals and vessel availability. The preservation phase commences on completion of pre-commissioning activities. The preservation phase is designed to maintain the integrity of the infrastructure. The preservation phase for the subsea infrastructure will last up until commissioning, i.e. upon the commencement of activities under the Barossa Production Operations EP.

As part of the Barossa DPD Activity, Santos proposes to install approximately 23 km of pipeline, install supporting subsea infrastructure, undertake pre-commissioning activities and preservation of the pipeline. The Barossa DPD Activity is proposed within Commonwealth waters, approximately 95 km north-west of Darwin, approximately 25 km south-west of the Tiwi Islands, and approximately 44 km south-east of the Oceanic Shoals Marine Park NT. Activities will occur within the boundaries of the Commonwealth petroleum pipeline licence NT/PL6. Figure 1 shows the proposed location and operational area of the Barossa DPD Activity.

Activity vessels and helicopters within the operational area are considered part of the activity under this EP.

Activities included in this EP are summarised below:

• Vessel activities – pipelay vessels, construction vessels, survey vessels, support, supply vessels and remotely operated vehicles will be used during the activity
• Installation activities – undertaking underwater acoustic positioning, surveys, supporting structures installation, infrastructure installation and bunkering
• Pre commissioning activities - including flood, clean, gauge and pressure testing, dewatering and pre-conditioning, and spool leak testing and MEG flushing
• Contingency activities – we buckle contingency, stuck pig contingency and inspection maintenance and repair (IMR) activities if required
• Preservation of the pipeline – activities may include unplanned IMR if required and wet-parking or leaving installed and pre-commissioned infrastructure in situ.
Location map (click to enlarge)
Location map - Activity: Barossa Darwin Pipeline Duplication Project (refer to description)

Accepted EP Documents

EP Document A1130368 (82.2 MB)
OPEP Document A1096607 (5.71 MB)

Related EP assessments

7878 (Click to view)
