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Activity - BMG Closure Project Phase 1 Well P&A

Activity details
Organisation Cooper Energy Limited
Project Gippsland Offshore Development
Activity types Drilling
Any other petroleum-related activity
Decommissioning, dismantling or removing a facility
In-force EP 6825
Submission date 26 November, 2021
Outcome Accepted
Acceptance date 11 April, 2022
Locations Gippsland
Start date 18 October, 2023
Stop date 29 May, 2024
Lifecycle Classification Decommissioning
Please note: activity start and stop dates are based on notifications provided by the titleholder.

Titleholder contact
Nathan Childs
Phone: +61 8 8100 4900

Activity Description
The Basker Manta Gummy (BMG) subsea oil development is located entirely within Retention Lease VIC/RL13 in Commonwealth waters. The development lies in water depths circa 135 m – 270 m, approximately 50 km from the Victorian coastline, south of Cape Conran.

Historically the BMG development produced light crude oil. The crude was processed by an FPSO before being transferred to an offtake tanker. In 2010 the JVP ceased production and commenced preparing the subsea facilities for non-production. The FPSO, offtake tanker, associated mid-water equipment and moorings have since been removed.

The remaining subsea facilities include seven (7) subsea wells within three (3) well centres, subsea trees, manifolds, flowlines, umbilicals and ancillary structures. A petroleum safety zone surrounds the facilities except the trenched sections of the Basker-6 flowline and Basker-6 umbilical (gazettal A443819).

VIC/RL13 was acquired by Cooper Energy from the previous JVP in 2014. With the acquisition came the BMG facilities in the non-production phase; this phase is described within the accepted Gippsland Operations EP.

Cooper Energy plans to decommission the BMG facilities in the following phases:

Phase 1 (this EP)
Timing: 2023 - 2024
Primary Objective: permanently seal the offshore wells.
- Seabed and facility inspection and preparatory activities.
- Plugging and abandonment of all wells to permanently isolate the production zones (by end 2023).
- Removal of structures on the seabed, flowline jumpers and flying leads subject to progress with primary objective.

Phase 1 activities will involve the use of a semi-submersible mobile offshore unit (MOU) and support vessels. Activities are expected to take up to approximately 130 days either as a single or split campaign. Normal operations will be conducted 24-hours a day/seven days a week.

Phase 2 (to be covered by a separate EP)
Timing: circa 2024 - 2026
Phase 2 will involve decommissioning of the flowlines, umbilicals and any other remaining equipment by end 2026.
Location map (click to enlarge)
Location map - Activity: BMG Closure Project Phase 1 Well P&A (refer to description)

Accepted EP Documents

EP Document A832861 (42.2 MB)
OPEP Document A832863 (5.68 MB)
OSMP Document A815869 (1.13 MB)
NOPSEMA Report A834363 (142 KB)
Appendices A832875 (17.6 MB)

Related EP assessments

6825 (Click to view)
