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Project - Stag Field Development

Description of project

The Stag development is located in permit area WA-15-L approximately 60 kilometres (km) northwest of Dampier. The Stag field has been in production since 1998. Activities associated with the Facility include:
- The operation of the Stag Central Production Facility (CPF), a fixed platform located in approximately 49 metres (m) water depth, which produces oil from the Stag reservoir from a number of wells; A single 2 km long carbon steel export oil pipeline on the northeast side of the CPF connecting to a Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring (CALM) buoy via a flexible submarine hose;
- A Floating Storage and Offload (FSO) tanker, the Dampier Spirit, which receives oil through a flexible import hose from the CALM buoy and periodically exports oil to third party offtake tankers;
- Water injection flowlines and wells to assist reservoir fluid recovery.

Company: Jadestone Energy Australia
Title(s) WA-15-L

Name Mr John Williams
Position .
Telephone +61 8 9486 6610
Project Map (click to enlarge)
Project map - Stag Field Development (refer to Description)


Activities for this project

Organisation Activity Type Activity name Status
Jadestone Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd Operation of a facility for the recovery or processing of petroleum Stag Field Operations Pending titleholder notification
