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Rocket Multi Client 2D Marine Seismic Survey

Activity type Seismic survey
Activity subtypes
Lifecycle Classification Exploration
Submitted by Spectrum Geo Pty Ltd
Submission date 04 August, 2015
Subtype Revision
Decision date 20 August, 2015
RMS ID 3282
Status Finalised
Outcome Accepted
Link to previously accepted EP 2927 - Rocket Multi Client 2D Marine Seismic Survey

Ms Jane Conder
Commercial Director, Asia Pacific
Spectrum Geo Pty Ltd
105 St Georges Terrace
Telephone: +61 8 9322 3700

Location map (click to enlarge)
Location map - Activity: Rocket Multi Client 2D Marine Seismic Survey Environmental Plan (refer to description)

The geophysical company Spectrum Geo Pty Ltd (Spectrum) proposes to acquire a multi-client two-dimensional (MC2D) marine seismic survey (Rocket MC2D MSS) within the Houtman Sub-basin offshore from Western Australia (WA). The Rocket MC2D MSS will comprise an acquisition of a maximum of approximately 6,885 line kilometres of 2D seismic data in Exploration Permits WA-492-P, WA-493-P, WA-512-P, and adjacent open acreage areas.
The survey is planned to have a maximum duration of ~53 days, and acquisition will be divided into two separate phases—Phase 1, which has a scheduled duration of ~18 days, and Phase 2, which has a scheduled duration of ~35 days. Phase 2 (4,750 line km of 2D acquisition) will commence after the completion of Phase 1 (2,135 line km of 2D acquisition) of the survey, and all seismic acquisition will be completed by the end of October 2015.
The Phase 1 operational area, which is located offshore from Gascoyne region between Ningaloo Reef and Shark Bay, incorporates the majority of the WA-492-P permit, and 100% of the WA-493-P permit. The Phase 2 operational area, which incorporates the entirety of the WA-512-P permit and the north-western part of the W13-20 Release Area, is located offshore from Kalbarri, between Shark Bay and the Houtman Abrolhos Islands. The Phase 2 operational area excludes the Abrolhos Islands.
The Rocket MC2D MSS will be acquired using the survey vessel BGP Explorer, and a dedicated chase vessel (Browse Express) will be utilised for all operations within the Phase 2 operational area. No support vessel will be used during the Rocket MC2D MSS, as the BGP Explorer will refuel and re-supply in port during the course of the survey. All crew changes will be carried out in port as well.

Other Details
Locations Midwest
Commonwealth waters adjacent to Western Australia
Titles (or other instruments) WA-36-SPA
Current Documents (Finalised)
EP Document

Location map