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Crux Completions, Hot Commissioning, Start-up and Operations

Activity type Operation of a facility for the recovery or processing of petroleum
Activity subtypes Significant modification of a facility
Operation of a petroleum pipeline
Lifecycle Classification
Submitted by Shell Australia Pty Ltd
Submission date 24 December, 2024
Subtype New
Decision date
RMS ID 8126
Status Under assessment (with titleholder)
Link to previously accepted EP
Location map (click to enlarge)
Location map - Activity: Crux Completions, Hot Commissioning, Start-up and Operations (refer to description)

The Shell-operated Crux Project is located in Commonwealth waters in the northern Browse Basin, 200 kilometres (km) offshore north-western Australia and 460 km north-north-east of Broome, WA. The Activity Area is defined by the petroleum title AC/L10 and pipeline licences WA-33-PL and AC/PL1.

Water depths within the Activity Area range from ~95~280 metres from mean sea level. The Activity Area is ~80 km from Cartier Marine Park, ~128 km from Ashmore Marine Park and ~80 km from Kimberley Marine Park and does not contain any emergent reefs/islands. The nearest island is Browse Island, which is ~42 km south-south-east of the Activity Area. The nearest shoals or banks are ~8 km from the Activity Area—Goeree Shoal north-north-west and Eugene McDermott Shoal east-south-east.

This EP covers the completions, hot commissioning, start-up, and operation activities, including contingent and supporting activities, this includes:
• Completion of five wells requiring well perforation, well clean-up, tie-in of trees to topsides and associated activities with an approximate duration of 3-10 months.
• Hot commissioning of GTGs and associated activities to energise the platform with an approximate duration of 1-5 months.
• Start-up of facilities and associated activities to safely activate production from Crux wells with hydrocarbon export to Prelude FLNG with an approximate duration of 9-24 months.
• Operation of facilities with hydrocarbon export to Prelude FLNG including not normally manned operation, planned and unplanned platform visits, maintenance campaigns, turnarounds, well interventions, workovers, and associated activities. Production is planned for 15 years subject to extension based on actual reservoir reserves, efficiencies in the recovery of hydrocarbons and the potential for future developments to extend the operating life.

The Activity is scheduled to be undertaken from approximately 2026 (pending regulatory approvals and project schedule interfaces) and will be continuous (24 hours per day, 365 days per year).

Other Details
Locations North West
Commonwealth waters adjacent to Western Australia
Titles (or other instruments) WA-33-PL

Current Documents (Under assessment)
EP Document

OPEP Document

OSMP Document

Location map