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Ichthys Phase 2 Development Drilling

Activity type Drilling
Activity subtypes
Lifecycle Classification Development
Submitted by INPEX Ichthys Pty Ltd
Submission date 14 November, 2024
Subtype Revision
Decision date
RMS ID 8058
Status Under assessment (with titleholder)
Link to previously accepted EP 4981 - Ichthys Phase 2 Development Drilling
Chris Serginson
Phone: +61 8 6213 6000
Location map (click to enlarge)
Location map - Activity: Ichthys Phase 2 Development Drilling (refer to description)

As titleholder on behalf of its joint venture participants, INPEX proposes to conduct the next phase of the Ichthys Development Drilling Campaign which will consist of the drilling, completion and flow back of up to 13 additional development wells within production licence WA-50‐L. The drilling campaign includes the potential for workovers and well intervention of existing and planned development wells.

Drilling campaign activities will be conducted using a semi‐submersible mobile offshore drilling unit (MODU) or drillship, which will be anchored to the seabed and/or dynamically positioned. Anchor handling supply vessels and a platform supply vessel will provide support for the drilling campaign including the installation and recovery of pre‐lay anchors where required. Personnel transfers to and from the MODU will be by helicopter several times per week.

Inspection, maintenance and repair or light well intervention vessels may be used to undertake additional well related activities during the drilling campaign. The drilling campaign is expected to commence in 2027 and continue until the completion of all proposed development wells.

The Ichthys Field, within production licence WA‐50‐L, is located in the Browse Basin in Commonwealth waters within Western Australia. It is approximately 230 km north west of the Kimberley coastline, at its closest point. Water depths at the proposed well locations range between 235 m and 275 m at lowest astronomical tide. The closest major town is Derby, located approximately 390 km south of the southern boundary of the licence area.

Other Details
Locations North West
Commonwealth waters adjacent to Western Australia
Titles (or other instruments) WA-50-L
Current Documents (Under assessment)
EP Document

OPEP Document

Location map