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Skua-11 ST1 Well Drilling

Activity type Drilling
Activity subtypes
Lifecycle Classification Development
Submitted by Jadestone Energy (Eagle) Pty Ltd
Submission date 09 May, 2024
Subtype New
Decision date
RMS ID 7835
Status Under assessment (with titleholder)
Link to previously accepted EP
Location map (click to enlarge)
Location map - Activity: Skua-11 ST1 Well Drilling (refer to description)

The Skua-11 well is a subsea oil producer well located in the Skua field approximately 706 km (376 nautical miles) east of Darwin in a water depth of approximately 80 m in Commonwealth waters of the Timor Sea. Skua-11 well forms part of the Montara development, where crude oil from the Montara, Skua, Swift and Swallow fields is transported via flowline for processing at the well head platform (WHP) and Floating Production Storage Offtake (FPSO). The WHP currently has five production wells, and there are five subsea production wells located approximately 17 to 18 km from the FPSO.

This EP encompasses the well drilling program for the Skua-11 ST 1 well in Production Licence AC/L8

The Skua-11 ST1 well activities are scheduled to commence between Q4 of 2024 and Q2 2025 subject to MODU availability, Regulator acceptance and long lead equipment arrival. Operations are likely to last for a period of approximately 72 days in total, however timings are subject to weather and operational efficiency.

Other Details
Locations North West
Commonwealth waters adjacent to Western Australia
Titles (or other instruments) AC/L8
Current Documents (Under assessment)
EP Document

OPEP Document

OSMP Document

Location map