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Offshore Gas Victoria Drilling Program

Activity type Drilling
Activity subtypes
Lifecycle Classification Exploration
Submitted by Beach Energy (Operations) Limited
Submission date 09 February, 2024
Subtype New
Decision date
RMS ID 7734
Status Under assessment (with titleholder)
Link to previously accepted EP
Carrie Trembath
Phone: 08 8338 2833
Location map (click to enlarge)
Location map - Activity: Offshore Gas Victoria Drilling Program  (refer to description)

Beach Energy (Operations) Limited (Beach), proposes to undertake a Drilling Program within Commonwealth waters of the Otway and Bass Basins.

The proposed scope of the Drilling Program covered by this EP consists of:

Drilling of up to six wells in Otway which may include a combination of:
• Drilling of up to five exploration or appraisal wells in exploration licences VIC/P73 and/or VIC/P43.
• Drilling of up to two exploration wells in exploration licence T/30P.

Drilling of up to five wells in Bass which may include a combination of:
• Drilling of up to four appraisal wells in retention licences T/L5, T/RL4 and/or T/RL5.
• Drilling, testing (contingent), and completing one infield well (Yolla 7) in production licence T/L1.

Plugging, abandonment and removal of well infrastructure above the mudline for five legacy suspended subsea exploration wells:
• Thylacine 1 in T/L2
• Geographe 1 in VIC/L23
• Trefoil 1 in T/RL2
• Yolla 1 in T/L1
• White Ibis 1 in T/RL4

The Operational Areas are where planned activities will occur. Within the Operational Area drilling and plug and abandonment (P&A) activities will be undertaken within a 3 km radius around the well sites whilst the drill rig is moored on location. The 3 km radius encompasses both the outer extent of mooring equipment on the seabed, and the 500 m petroleum safety zone (PSZ).

The estimated timings for each activity are:
• Drilling: 30 - 40 days per well.
• Completion: 15 - 20 days for one well, Yolla 7.
• Plug and abandonment: 15 – 20 days per well.

Activities will be conducted on a 24 hours per day, 7 days per week basis. The above timings equate to approximately 560 days of activity for the full Drilling Program and will be undertaken within the period of 1 November 2024 to the 31 December 2028.

Proposed activities will be undertaken with a single moored semi-submersible drill rig with a thruster assisted mooring system. The drill rig will be supported with up to three vessels.

Other Details
Locations Otway
Commonwealth waters adjacent to VIC
Titles (or other instruments) VIC/P73
Current Documents (Under assessment)
EP Document

OPEP Document

OSMP Document

Location map

Titleholder Report

Previous EP Documents (Open for comment)
EP Document

OPEP Document

OSMP Document

Location map
