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Gorgon and Jansz-Io Drilling, Completion and Well Maintenance Program

Activity type Drilling
Activity subtypes Any other petroleum-related activity
Lifecycle Classification Development
Submitted by Chevron Australia Pty Ltd
Submission date 05 December, 2023
Subtype Revision
Decision date
RMS ID 7638
Status Under assessment (with NOPSEMA)
Link to previously accepted EP 4565 - Gorgon and Jansz-Io Drilling, Completion and Well Maintenance Program
Shane Waldeck
Phone: 0428 294 519
Location map (click to enlarge)
Location map - Activity: Gorgon and Jansz-Io Drilling, Completion and Well Maintenance Program (refer to description)

Chevron Australia Pty Ltd (CAPL) Gorgon Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) assets (Gorgon Project) produce hydrocarbon fluids from offshore fields (Gorgon and Jansz), transport these fluids through subsea flowlines and are processed on, and exported from an LNG facility located on Barrow Island off the coast of Western Australia. Activities described in this EP include the operational Gorgon and Jansz production wells. A total of 29 wells (15 Gorgon, 14 Jansz) have been drilled and completed, across two drilling campaigns, within the Gorgon and Jansz fields. 18 wells (8 Gorgon, 10 Jansz) were constructed as part of the Gorgon Foundation Project (GFP) campaign (2012-2014), and a further 11 wells (7 Gorgon, 4 Jansz) were constructed during the Gorgon Stage 2 (GS2) campaign (2019-2020).
CAPL has developed this Environment Plan (EP) to manage the environmental impacts and risks for well intervention and maintenance of the operational Gorgon and Jansz production wells. This EP has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Commonwealth Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 (OPGGS Act) and Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Environment) Regulations 2009 (OPGGS(E)R) as administered and for regulatory acceptance by the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environment Management Authority (NOPSEMA).
Activities described in this EP (which include the operational Gorgon and Jansz production wells) are located within production licenses WA-37-L and WA-38-L, ~130 km off the north-west coast of Western Australia (WA), and ~65 km northwest of Barrow Island. The Jansz gas fields are located within production licences WA-36-L, WA-39-L and WA-40-L ~200 km off the north-west coast of WA in water depths of ~1,350 m.

Other Details
Locations North West
Commonwealth waters adjacent to Western Australia
Titles (or other instruments) WA-36-L
Current Documents (Under assessment)
EP Document

OPEP Document

OSMP Document

Location map