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Gorgon Gas Development Gorgon Umbilical

Activity type Construction and installation of a pipeline
Activity subtypes Operation of a petroleum pipeline
Lifecycle Classification Development
Submitted by Chevron Australia Pty Ltd
Submission date 27 June, 2023
Subtype New
Decision date 17 January, 2024
RMS ID 7479
Status Finalised
Outcome Accepted
Link to previously accepted EP
Location map (click to enlarge)
Location map - Activity: Gorgon Gas Development Gorgon Umbilical (refer to description)

Chevron Australia, on behalf of the Gorgon Joint Venture, operates the Gorgon Project (Gorgon) in Western Australia. Gorgon comprises offshore production wells and pipeline infrastructure that gathers natural gas from the Jansz–Io and Gorgon gas fields and transports it to a facility on Barrow Island for processing.

To support the reliability of the offshore gas gathering systems, Chevron Australia will install an additional control and electrical umbilical to the existing feed gas pipeline system that extends between the offshore Gorgon field and the facility on Barrow Island. Temporary power supply (e.g. via subsea batteries or a downline power cable) will be required during the transition from the use of the existing Gorgon umbilical to the additional control and electrical umbilical. If power supply from the existing umbilical becomes unavailable prior to the commissioning of the additional control and electrical umbilical, a temporary power supply may also be utilised to maintain electrical power supply.

The Gorgon gas field is located within production licences WA-37-L and WA-38-L, ~130 km off the north-west coast of Western Australia (WA), and ~65 km north-west of Barrow Island. The infrastructure to be installed under this Environment Plan (EP) will form part of pipeline licence WA-20-PL.

This EP documents the assessment and management of potential environmental impacts and risks associated with the installation of the additional umbilical bundle and the supply of temporary power in Commonwealth waters.

The scope of activities includes:
• Installation
• Inspection, maintenance and repairs
• Temporary power supply
• Field support.

Installation of the Gorgon umbilical is planned to occur from late 2023/early 2024 to mid-2024 and the total duration of activities is expected to be ~6 months.

Other Details
Locations North West
Commonwealth waters adjacent to Western Australia
Titles (or other instruments) WA-20-PL
Current Documents (Finalised)
EP Document

OPEP Document

OSMP Document

Location map

Previous EP Documents (Under assessment)
EP Document

OPEP Document

OSMP Document

Location map