Wheatstone Project - Well Intervention and Infill Drilling
Activity type | Drilling |
Activity subtypes | Any other petroleum-related activity |
Lifecycle Classification | Operation & Production |
Submitted by | Chevron Australia Pty Ltd |
Submission date | 27 January, 2023 |
Subtype | Revision |
Decision date | |
RMS ID | 7340 |
Status | Under assessment (with NOPSEMA) |
Link to previously accepted EP | 4067 - Wheatstone Project - Well Intervention and Infill Drilling |
Contact |
Chevron Australia Pty Ltd (CAPL) Wheatstone Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) assets (Wheatstone Project) produce hydrocarbon fluids from offshore fields, transport these fluids through flowlines to the Wheatstone platform (the platform) for initial processing, and then transport gas and condensate through the trunkline to the onshore gas plant for further processing. Resultant LNG and condensate are exported by vessels to the international market, and gas is available to the domestic market via a tie-in with the existing Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline.
Development of the Wheatstone Project is to be phased over time. To date, nine wells (seven Wheatstone, two Iago) have been drilled and completed within the Wheatstone and Iago fields located in licences WA-46-L, WA-47-L, and WA-48-L. This Environment Plan (EP) covers well intervention activities on the existing Wheatstone Project wells and the drilling of additional infill production wells within the same production licences (either WA 46-L, WA-47-L, or WA-48-L). The EP accounts for the drilling of up to seven infill wells.
The closest production licence to land (WA-48-L) is ~165 km off the north-west coast of WA, ~75 km north of Barrow Island and ~40 km north-west of Montebello Islands. Existing and indicative well locations range in depth from ~115 m to ~240 m.