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Gudgeon-1 and Terakihi-1 Plug and Abandonment

Activity type Decommissioning, dismantling or removing a facility
Activity subtypes
Lifecycle Classification Decommissioning
Submitted by Esso Australia Resources Pty Ltd
Submission date 19 December, 2022
Subtype New
Decision date 25 January, 2024
RMS ID 7307
Status Finalised
Outcome Accepted
Link to previously accepted EP
Hena Kalam
Phone: 0392610000
Location map (click to enlarge)
Location map - Activity: Gudgeon-1 and Terakihi-1 Plug and Abandonment (refer to description)

The P&A campaign will utilise the Helix Q7000 LWIV to P&A the Gudgeon-1 and Terakihi-1 subsea wells. The two wells will be permanently abandoned by installation of cement plugs as barriers, followed by the retrieval of wellheads from the seafloor. This campaign will eliminate loss of containment risks and will remove obstructions and snag points for commercial fishermen. The P&A campaign will take place in Production Licences VIC/L06 and VIC/L20 located at the edge of the Gippsland Basin of the eastern Bass Strait, and adjacent to the Bass Canyon system.

The Gudgeon-1 and Terakihi-1 wells are about 7 kilometres apart and lie just outside the Bass Strait Area To Be Avoided (ATBA) and in the pathway of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) recognized Bass Strait Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS). There is a requirement to establish ‘temporary fairways’ around the facilities during P&A activities, in collaboration with the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA).

The earliest date of commencement of the P&A program is fourth quarter 2023, with all activity scheduled to be completed during second quarter, 2024. Activities will be conducted 24 hours per day, seven days per week. It is expected to take approximately 30 days per well to complete P&A activities, inclusive of LWIV positioning activities, dependent on weather, scheduling and well conditions.

Other Details
Locations Gippsland
Commonwealth waters adjacent to VIC
Titles (or other instruments) VIC/L6
Current Documents (Finalised)
EP Document

Location map

Previous EP Documents (Under assessment)
EP Document

OPEP Document

Location map