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Montara Operations

Activity type Operation of a facility for the recovery or processing of petroleum
Activity subtypes
Lifecycle Classification Operation & Production
Submitted by Jadestone Energy (Eagle) Pty Ltd
Submission date 30 September, 2022
Subtype Revision
Decision date 11 June, 2024
RMS ID 7208
Status Finalised
Outcome Accepted
Link to previously accepted EP 4682 - Montara Operations
Ron Curley
Phone: 08 9486 6600
Location map (click to enlarge)
Location map - Activity: Montara Operations (refer to description)

The Montara Venture Floating Production Storage Offtake (FPSO), unmanned wellhead platform and subsea infrastructure, are located in the Timor Sea, in the Ashmore Cartier territory within Commonwealth waters, approximately 690 km north-west of Darwin within 34 km of Vulcan Shoal. The facilities lie in water depths of approximately 80 m.

Production at the Montara field commenced in Quarter 2 2013 and the activity is expected be fully operational until approximately 2030. Currently, crude oil is produced from the Montara, Skua, Swift and Swallow fields which is transported via flowline for processing at the well head platform and FPSO. The well head platform currently has five production wells, and there are five subsea production wells located approximately 17 to 18 km from the FPSO. The Montara infrastructure is marked on nautical maps surrounded by a 500 m petroleum safety exclusion zone within which vessels are prohibited from entering.

This EP was submitted as a revision under regulation 39(2) for when a new or increased environmental impact or risk is identified. In addition, the EP has been updated to allow for the continuation of production at the Montara Facility for a further 5 years.

This EP provides for operation of the FPSO and well head platform, and associated subsea infrastructure, situated in licenses AC/L7 and AC/L8. In addition, the EP provides for inspection, maintenance and repair of infrastructure, support services, and unplanned activities including oil spill response.

Other Details
Locations Ashmore Cartier
Commonwealth waters adjacent to Western Australia
Titles (or other instruments) AC/L7
Current Documents (Finalised)
EP Document

OPEP Document

OSMP Document

Location map

Previous EP Documents (Under assessment)
EP Document

OPEP Document

Location map
