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Stybarrow End State Decommissioning

Activity type Decommissioning, dismantling or removing a facility
Activity subtypes
Lifecycle Classification Decommissioning
Submitted by Woodside Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd
Submission date 31 July, 2022
Subtype New
Decision date 23 May, 2024
RMS ID 7115
Status Finalised
Outcome Accepted
Link to previously accepted EP
Andrew Winter
Phone: 08 9348 4000
Location map (click to enlarge)
Location map - Activity: Stybarrow End State Decommissioning (refer to description)

Woodside Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd (formerly BHP Petroleum Australia Pty Ltd) is undertaking the safe and sustainable closure of the Stybarrow Development in petroleum licence WA-32-L off the coast of Western Australia, around 56 km north-west of Exmouth, and in water depths of about 810 m – 850m.

The equipment, covered under this EP, includes 9 anchors, 10 suction base foundations piles and a historical exploration wellhead buried in the seabed which will remain in situ. Management and removal of the other subsea equipment in the Stybarrow field, is addressed in Stybarrow Decommissioning and Field Management EP. The petroleum activity in this EP is scheduled to commence in March 2025 once the equipment removal activities described in the Stybarrow Decommissioning and Field Management EP are completed.

Impacts associated with the ongoing presence of the equipment include long-term degradation of the materials, alteration of seabed and benthic habitats and potential displacement or interactions with other users. These impacts and risks have been demonstrated as ALARP and acceptable in the EP. The petroleum activities in this EP will have been completed once the environmental performance standards within have been met and reported upon to NOPSEMA.

Other Details
Locations North West
Commonwealth waters adjacent to Western Australia
Titles (or other instruments) WA-32-L
Current Documents (Finalised)
EP Document

Location map

Statement of reasons

Previous EP Documents (Under assessment)
EP Document

Location map