Woodside is planning to decommission Thebe-1 exploration well. The wellhead is located in permit WA-63-R around 300 km
north of Exmouth at a water depth of approximately 1170 m and is proposed to be left in situ.
A Decommissioning Options Assessment was performed for the Thebe-1 well which compared removal of the wellhead to
leaving it in situ. The assessment found that the leave in situ decommissioning option was preferred as it meets legislative
requirements, is technically feasible, provides equal environmental outcomes, and has fewer health and safety risks when
compared to removal. Impacts associated with the perpetual presence of the wellhead include long-term degradation of the
wellhead material and potential displacement or interactions with future trawl fishers. These impacts and risks have been
demonstrated as ALARP and acceptable in the EP.
The petroleum Activities Program will end four months after acceptance of this EP by NOPSEMA and the expected duration of the activity will
be zero days.