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Galactic Hybrid 2D MSS

Activity type Seismic survey
Activity subtypes
Lifecycle Classification Exploration
Submitted by Woodside Energy Ltd
Submission date 10 September, 2021
Subtype New
Decision date 19 April, 2022
RMS ID 6741
Status Finalised
Outcome Accepted
Link to previously accepted EP
Andrew Winter
Phone: 08 9348 4000
Location map (click to enlarge)
Location map - Activity: Galactic Hybrid 2D MSS (refer to description)

Woodside is planning to conduct a marine seismic survey in exploration permit NT/P86 in Commonwealth waters offshore the Northern Territory. The survey will take place between 1 May and 16 August 2022 and is part of Woodside’s work program commitments for the permit. The proposed seismic survey is located fully within the Australian Commonwealth seabed extents of the Bonaparte Basin. The northern part of the survey extends beyond the limits of the Australian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) (Commonwealth waters) within an area of overlapping jurisdiction (the 1997 Perth Treaty area), subject to the seabed jurisdiction of Australia and the water column jurisdiction of Indonesia.

The extent of the Active Source Area is approximately 16,373 km2, within which up to a maximum of 4475 full-fold line km of 2D seismic data will be acquired. The extent of the Operational Area is approximately 21,140 km2. The southern boundary of the Operational Area is located approximately 187 km north of Darwin and approximately 45 km north of Cape Van Diemen, on the north-west coast of Melville Island. The Operational Area overlaps with the Multiple Use Zone of the Oceanic Shoals Marine Park. Water depths within the Operational Area range from 11 m at Lynedoch Bank to 405 m at the northern extent of the Operational Area.

Other Details
Locations Northern Territory
Commonwealth waters adjacent to Northern Territory
Titles (or other instruments) NT/P86
Current Documents (Finalised)
EP Document

Location map


Previous EP Documents (Under assessment)
EP Document

Location map

Titleholder Report

Previous EP Documents (Open for comment)
EP Document

Location map