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Bayu-Undan to Darwin Gas Export Pipeline Decommissioning & Preservation

Activity type Decommissioning, dismantling or removing a pipeline
Activity subtypes
Lifecycle Classification Decommissioning
Submitted by Santos NA Darwin Pipeline Pty Ltd
Submission date 10 August, 2020
Subtype New
Decision date
RMS ID 5344
Status Cancelled
Link to previously accepted EP
Norman Scott
Phone: +61-8-6363-2321
Location map (click to enlarge)
Location map - Activity: Bayu-Undan to Darwin Gas Export Pipeline Decommissioning & Preservation  (refer to description)

Please note the Environment Plan has been withdrawn at the request of the titleholder.

The Petroleum Activity consists of decommissioning activities for the Pipeline between the Bayu-Undan Platform and the tie-in point (approximately KP380) and the preservation activities from the tie-in point to the Darwin LNG Plant. These activities include: pipeline isolation at Bayu-Undan Field production cessation; pipeline section cutting and removal and end capping at the tie-in point; pipeline cleaning activities; pipeline section removal from the Bayu-Undan Platform to approximately KP34.2; in situ decommissioning of the Pipeline section from approximately KP34.2 to the tie-in point; pipeline section preservation from the tie-in point to the DLNG Plant pending future use from a new upstream gas supply activity and external inspection of the preserved pipeline section.

Pipeline decommissioning and preservation is planned to start after Bayu-Undan production cessation, which may commence as early as 2021 or as late as 2023 and is planned to be completed during the in-force period of this EP. The total duration of Pipeline decommissioning activities are estimated at approximately 39 - 46 weeks and the total duration of the preservation activities are estimated at approximately 2 years.

Other Details
Locations Northern Territory
Commonwealth waters adjacent to Northern Territory , Western Australia
Titles (or other instruments) BU-1-PL
Current Documents (Under assessment)
EP Document

OPEP Document

Location map