BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd (BP) has entered into a Joint Operating Agreement with Cue Exploration Pty Ltd (Cue), Beach Energy Limited (Beach) and NZOG (Ironbark) Pty Ltd (NZOG) covering Exploration Permit WA-359-P. BP is the titleholder nominated to undertake eligible voluntary actions on behalf of all titleholders, and is also the operator under the Joint Operating Agreement.
To meet their work program obligations under the title, the titleholders are required to drill a single exploration well within WA-359-P. The Ironbark Exploration Drilling Program is planned in Permit WA-359-P, located in Commonwealth waters approx. 170 km offshore from Karratha.
Indicative coordinates and water depths for the Ironbark-1 exploration are
Longitude (E) Latitude (S) Approximate water depth
116° 04' 35.80 19° 09' 34.01" ~300 m
The Ironbark Exploration Drilling Program comprises the drilling, evaluation and plugging and abandonment of one exploration well. The well is proposed to be drilled by a MODU. The MODU will be supported by two or three dynamically positioned (DP) vessels, including anchor handling, tow and support (AHTS) vessels.
Drilling activities are planned to commence in Q3 of 2020, although depending on MODU availability, may commence between Q2 of 2020 and Q2 2021. Drilling activities are expected to take approximately 90-100 days (excluding weather and operational delays). Drilling and support activities will typically be conducted on a 24-hour basis.