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JUR Drilling

Activity type Drilling
Activity subtypes Construction and installation of a facility
Lifecycle Classification Development
Submitted by Esso Australia Resources Pty Ltd
Submission date 09 August, 2019
Subtype New
Decision date 08 January, 2020
RMS ID 4944
Status Finalised
Outcome Accepted
Link to previously accepted EP
Louise Mayboehm
Phone: +61 3 9261 0263
Location map (click to enlarge)
Location map - Activity: JUR Drilling (refer to description)

The West Barracouta (BTW) and Kipper (KPA) drilling campaigns will utilise the Noble Tom Prosser Jack Up Rig to drill a total of four subsea production gas wells, two at each location. The BTW campaign will take place in Production Licence VIC/L1 located in the Gippsland Basin of eastern Bass Strait 6 km south west of the Barracouta Platform, approximately 30 km off the coast in 45.5 m of water depth. The KPA campaign will take place in VIC/L25 at the Kipper Subsea Facility approximately 45 km off the coast in 95 m of water depth. Drilling activity is expected to commence in 1Q2020 and be completed no later than 4Q 2021, with each well taking 50-80 days to drill.

Other Details
Locations Gippsland
Commonwealth waters adjacent to VIC
Titles (or other instruments) VIC/L1
Current Documents (Finalised)
EP Document

Location map

Previous EP Documents (Under assessment)
EP Document

Location map