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Barossa Gas Export Pipeline Installation

Activity type Construction and installation of a pipeline
Activity subtypes
Lifecycle Classification Development
Submitted by ConocoPhillips Australia Exploration Pty Ltd
Submission date 02 August, 2019
Subtype New
Decision date 09 March, 2020
RMS ID 4937
Status Finalised
Outcome Accepted
Link to previously accepted EP
Michael Marren
Phone: (08) 6218 7100
Location map (click to enlarge)
Location map - Activity: Barossa Gas Export Pipeline Installation (refer to description)

ConocoPhillips Australia Barossa Pty Ltd and its Joint Venture Partners SK E&S Australia Pty Ltd and Santos Offshore Pty Ltd propose to develop the Barossa Gas Field, which is located in Commonwealth Waters approximately 300 km north-west of Darwin. The development includes bringing gas and condensate from subsea wells to a Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) facility via a network of subsea flowlines and risers. Initial processing would occur on the FPSO to separate the gas, water and condensate. The condensate would be transferred from the FPSO to specialised tankers for export. The resulting dry gas would be sent to Darwin via a new ~260 km pipeline connected to the existing Bayu-Darwin pipeline.

The Barossa project is fully described in the Barossa Area Development Offshore Project Proposal, which was accepted by NOPSEMA in March 2018. This Barossa Gas Export Pipeline Installation Environment Plan is the first of a number of Environment Plans that will be developed under the Barossa Offshore Project Proposal.

This Environment Plan specifically addresses installation of the gas export pipeline, which runs north-south from the Barossa gas field to the proposed tie-in location on the existing Bayu-Undan pipeline (~100 km west-north-west of Darwin). Installation activities include:
• pre and post lay surveys;
• pre and post lay span rectification;
• installation of the gas export pipeline and end terminals; and
• pipeline pre-conditioning activities.

The exact installation schedule has not been finalised, however installation activities are expected to occur between quarter 4, 2020 and quarter 1, 2024. The total infield duration of the offshore installation activities is expected to be approximately nine months. The installation schedule is indicative only with exact timing and duration subject to a number of factors such as vessel availability, weather and sea state. ConocoPhillips will maintain contact with relevant stakeholders to ensure they are informed of installation timelines as the schedule is confirmed.

Other Details
Locations Northern Territory
Commonwealth waters adjacent to Northern Territory
Titles (or other instruments) Application number 7KZ877
Current Documents (Finalised)
EP Document

OPEP Document

Location map


Statement of reasons

Previous EP Documents (Under assessment)
EP Document

OPEP Document

Location map