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Bayu-Undan to Darwin Gas Export Pipeline

Activity type Operation of a petroleum pipeline
Activity subtypes
Lifecycle Classification Operation & Production
Submitted by ConocoPhillips Pipeline Australia Pty Ltd
Submission date 29 January, 2019
Subtype Revision
Decision date 28 February, 2019
RMS ID 4752
Status Finalised
Outcome Accepted with conditions and/or limitations
Link to previously accepted EP 4514 - Bayu-Undan to Darwin Gas Export Pipeline

Mr Daniel Thompson
Environment Supervisor
ConocoPhillips Pipeline Australia Pty Ltd
1 Cambridge Street
+61 8 6363 2328

Location map (click to enlarge)
Location map - Activity: Bayu-Undan to Darwin Gas Export Pipeline (refer to description)

ConocoPhillips Pipeline Australia Pty Ltd is the operator of the existing operational Bayu-Undan to Darwin Gas Export Pipeline (the Pipeline) in the Timor Sea. The Pipeline is a dry natural gas export pipeline transporting gas from the Bayu-Undan Field (situated in Timor-Leste waters) to the Darwin liquefied natural gas (DLNG) Plant near Darwin, Northern Territory (NT). The Pipeline has been in operation since 2005.
The Bayu-Undan to Darwin Gas Export Pipeline Environment Plan (the EP) details the environmental management measures implemented by ConocoPhillips during the operation of the Pipeline. The Pipeline overlaps three jurisdictions and has several associated pipeline licences - Timor-Leste waters (BU-1-PL), Commonwealth waters (WA-8-PL and NT/PL1) and NT coastal waters (PL20 and NTC/PL1).
The ratification of the Treaty Between Australia and the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste Establishing Their Maritime Boundaries in the Timor Sea (the Maritime Boundary Treaty) resulted in the sections of the Pipeline within Commonwealth and Timor-Leste waters falling under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Commonwealth. As such, the sections of the Pipeline within Timor-Leste and Commonwealth waters are subject to the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 and subsidiary regulations.
The nearest land mass to the Pipeline in Commonwealth Waters is Bathurst Island (located approximately 20 km to the north of KP400). The nearest land to the Pipeline in NT Coastal Waters is the shore crossing at Wickham Point, in Darwin Harbour.
The EP includes transport of dry natural gas from the Bayu-Undan field to the DLNG Plant located at Wickham Point, Darwin and Pipeline inspection, maintenance and repair (IMR) activities.
An operational area will be in place around the Pipeline, within which the Petroleum Activity will take place. The Operational Area comprises a 500-m buffer around the Pipeline considered within the scope of this EP; any activities undertaken outside the Operational Area are not considered to be within the scope of the EP, including vessels transiting to and from port. All IMR activities will take place within the Operational Area.
The EP is intended to cover continuous operation of the Pipeline, and associated IMR activities, for five years from the date of acceptance of the EP.

Other Details
Locations Northern Territory
Commonwealth waters adjacent to Northern Territory
Titles (or other instruments) NT/PL1
Current Documents (Finalised)
EP Document

Decision notifications

Location map