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Baleen 2D HR Seismic Survey

Activity type Seismic survey
Activity subtypes
Lifecycle Classification Exploration
Submitted by Asset Energy Pty Ltd
Submission date 04 July, 2017
Subtype New
Decision date 10 January, 2018
RMS ID 4100
Status Finalised
Outcome Accepted
Link to previously accepted EP

Mr Tobias Foster
Asset Energy Pty Ltd
Suite 2, Level 3
1111 Hay St
Telephone: +61 (0)8 9200 6190

Location map (click to enlarge)
Location map - Activity: Baleen 2D HR Seismic Survey (refer to description)

Environmental Performance Report - Baleen 2D HR Seismic Survey
Asset Energy Pty Ltd, as the Titleholder, proposes to undertake a high resolution two dimensional (2D) seismic site survey located in offshore Commonwealth waters, New South Wales (NSW). The survey comprises 46 2D lines of total length 208km. The survey will be conducted in an area of 12.25 square kilometres (km^2) plus a single 2D tie line, to the surface location of the exploration well: New Seaclem‐1, of ~50km length.
Acquisition is likely to be undertaken in the period of 15 March to 31 May 2018, excluding the period 23 March to 8 April surrounding Easter 2018. The duration of the survey is conservatively estimated to be between 3 to 4 days and will be undertaken using a purpose‐built survey vessel equipped with the necessary hardware to conduct a seismic acquisition survey. For the purposes of this Environment Plan, it is assumed that the survey vessel will be the Pacific Conquest (IMO 8600741).
Seismic and drilling operations have previously been undertaken by Asset Energy in PEP‐11 in the vicinity of the proposed survey area. The most recent offshore drilling campaign was in 2010, following the submission of an Environmental Plan (EP) (Report Number M08324:2, Revision 6) by RPS on behalf of Asset Energy in November 2010.
 Extensive geophysical data have been acquired in the offshore PEP‐11 permit over the past 30 years which has demonstrated considerable indications of an active hydrocarbon system.
The purpose of this campaign is to further the understanding of the shallow subsurface geology and the potential drilling hazards over a prospect in the area of interest through the acquisition of high resolution geophysical data (2D seismic site survey). 

Other Details
Locations New South Wales
Commonwealth waters adjacent to New South Wales
Titles (or other instruments) PEP-11
Current Documents (Finalised)
EP Document

Decision notifications

Statement of reasons

Location map