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Exmouth SLB15 MC3D MSS

Activity type Seismic survey
Activity subtypes
Lifecycle Classification Exploration
Submitted by Schlumberger Australia Pty Ltd
Submission date 02 October, 2015
Subtype New
Decision date 09 August, 2016
RMS ID 3350
Status Finalised
Outcome Accepted
Link to previously accepted EP

Kevin Moran
Multiclient Project Manager
Schlumberger Australia Pty Ltd
Level 5, 56 St Georges Terrace
+61 8 9420 4801

Location map (click to enlarge)
Location map - Activity: Exmouth SLB15 MC3D MSS (refer to description)

Schlumberger proposes to undertake a MSS named Exmouth SLB15 MC3D MSS, in Commonwealth waters of the Exmouth Sub-Basin, approximately 15 km off the Exmouth coast of Western Australia (WA) in waters from 30-1500m deep.
The proposed survey is expected to commence in December 2015 and will be acquired in two separate phases, each taking up to150 days subject to weather conditions and statutory approvals. As a contingency, the environment plan (EP) for this MSS will be written to accommodate the survey being undertaken at any time of year. The latest date for completion of this activity is 30 November 2016.
The equipment and methods used to conduct the survey are standard for seismic surveys and conform to what has been previously used for similar studies in the same marine region. A seismic survey vessel will traverse a series of pre-determined survey lines within the operational area, at a speed of approximately 8-9 km per hour during data acquisition. As the vessel traverses the sail lines, a series of sound pulses are discharged every 8-10 seconds which travel through the water column and down through the seabed to the subsea rock formations. The sound waves are reflected from buried rock layers and measured by a towed array of sensors used to map the subsurface for potential oil and gas reservoirs.
The recording array will be made up of up to 1.1 km wide and 8km long, and is positioned below the ocean surface.
The operational area does not overlap any protected or significant areas although it is adjacent to the Murion Island and Ningaloo Marine Mammal Reserves. Of the expected 150 days duration for the southern phase of acquisition, approximately 12 non-consecutive days are required to complete the acquisition of lines that are within 20 km of the marine reserves boundaries. The activity operational area is 15 km away from the nearest landfall, with Exmouth being the nearest town at a distance of approximately 30 km.

Other Details
Locations Pilbara
Commonwealth waters adjacent to Western Australia
Titles (or other instruments) SPA Application BA8B2A
Current Documents (Finalised)
EP Document

Decision notifications

Location map