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Bayu-Undan to Darwin Gas Export Pipeline Production Cessation

Activity type Any other petroleum-related activity
Activity subtypes
Lifecycle Classification Development
Submitted by ConocoPhillips Pipeline Australia Pty Ltd
Submission date 11 July, 2019
Subtype New
Decision date 18 September, 2019
RMS ID 4914
Status Finalised
Outcome Accepted
Link to previously accepted EP
Norman Scott
Phone: 08 6363 2321
Location map (click to enlarge)
Location map - Activity: Bayu-Undan to Darwin Gas Export Pipeline Production Cessation  (refer to description)

ConocoPhillips Pipeline Australia Pty Ltd (COPPA) is the operator of the existing Bayu-Undan to Darwin Gas Export Pipeline (herein referred to as the Pipeline) in the Timor Sea. The Pipeline transports dry natural gas export from the Bayu-Undan Field located in Timor-Leste waters to the Darwin liquefied natural gas (DLNG) Plant near Darwin, Northern Territory (NT), Australia. The Pipeline has been in operation since 2005.

The Bayu-Undan Field is approaching the end of its commercially productive life. In anticipation of the end of Bayu-Undan production, the DLNG infrastructure owners are currently assessing multiple options to backfill the facility’s existing LNG train. One option for new supply of feed gas from 2023 is connection of a new upstream gas supply at Kilometre Point (KP) 380. Accordingly, COPPA is preparing to decommission the Pipeline between the Bayu-Undan Field (KP0) and the future location of a tie-in valve skid (KP380) for an upstream party to connect to. In preparation for decommissioning of this section of the Pipeline, COPPA intends to cease production, isolate the Pipeline upstream of KP0 and at KP380, cut and remove sections of the Pipeline at KP380 and install either an end cap or an upstream skid with pig launcher/receiver (PLR) at KP380. Once these activities are completed, the Pipeline section KP0 to KP380 will be retained in place on the seabed, pending a subsequent decommissioning program and Environment Plan submission. These activities, including retention of the Pipeline in place, are referred to as Production Cessation.

Production Cessation activities for the Pipeline section KP0 – KP380 will occur after the end of Bayu-Undan field life, which may occur between 2021 and 2023, prior to final decommissioning. It is anticipated that this production cessation activity will take place as a 4 – 6 week subcomponent of an approximately 12-week campaign, or as the initial 4 – 6 week phase of a split 12 week campaign after end of Bayu-Undan field life. Campaign activities on the downstream end of the cut pipeline at KP380 will be the subject of a separate EP.

Other Details
Locations Northern Territory
Commonwealth waters adjacent to Northern Territory , Western Australia
Titles (or other instruments) NT/PL1
Current Documents (Under assessment)
EP Document

OPEP Document

Location map