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Activity - Gippsland Basin Geophysical and Geotechnical Investigations

Activity details
Organisation Esso Australia Resources Pty Ltd
Activity types Other survey
In-force EP 4866
Submission date 27 May, 2019
Outcome Accepted
Acceptance date 31 July, 2019
Locations Gippsland
Start date 30 May, 2024
Stop date 28 June, 2024
Lifecycle Classification Development
Please note: activity start and stop dates are based on notifications provided by the titleholder.

Titleholder contact
Louise Mayboehm
Phone: +61 3 9261 0000

Activity Description
Esso proposes to undertake a series of geophysical and geotechnical surveys within 11 existing licence areas in the Gippsland Basin of eastern Bass Strait over the next few years. The survey program is required to inform a number of prospective future developments and potential plug and abandonment campaigns. These include:
• Development of the West Barracouta (BTW) gas field (VIC/L1)
• Plug and abandonment activities at a number of existing wells located in VIC/L1, VIC/L2, VIC/L3, VIC/L5, VIC/PL15, VIC/PL17, VIC/L18 and VIC/RL1
• Potential drilling activities inside VIC/L2, VIC/L9 and VIC/L10
• Additional developments around the existing Kipper (KPA) facilities (VIC/L25).

The survey program commenced in 2018 at the BTW location and may continue intermittently until end 2023. Survey activities are likely to occur over a 2 to 15 day period at locations within each of the licence areas. Water depths within the licence areas vary from 36 to 89 m.
Geophysical methods proposed are based on conventional techniques and include:
• Single beam echo sounder (SBES)
• Multi beam echo sounder (MBES)
• Side scan sonar (SSS)
• Sub bottom profiler (SBP) including Ultra high resolution (UHR)
• Magnetometer.
Geotechnical sampling potentially includes:
• Rotary core sampling to 80m below the seabed
• In situ penetration testing to 80m below the seabed
• Piston coring or vibracoring between 3 to 6m below the seabed

The proposed survey program will be completed in multiple stages using different vessels.
Location map (click to enlarge)
Location map - Activity: Gippsland Basin Geophysical and Geotechnical Investigations (refer to description)

Accepted EP Documents

EP Document A683341 (22.4 MB)
