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Activity - Halyard-2 Drilling & Completion

Activity details
Organisation Santos WA Southwest Pty Limited
Project Varanus Island Hub
Activity types Drilling
Construction and installation of a facility
In-force EP 7719
Submission date 31 January, 2024
Outcome Accepted
Acceptance date 23 July, 2024
Locations North West
Start date 02 September, 2024
Stop date Pending titleholder notification
Lifecycle Classification Development
Please note: activity start and stop dates are based on notifications provided by the titleholder.

Titleholder contact
Dawn MacInnes
Phone: (08) 6218 7100

Activity Description
Santos WA Southwest Pty Limited (Santos) proposes to drill and complete the Halyard-2 production
well in the Greater East Spar (GES) field located in Commonwealth waters. Hydrocarbons produced at the GES field are transported through existing GES subsea infrastructure to Varanus Island (VI) for processing.

The Halyard-2 well will replace the existing Halyard-1 well, which is now depleted. Activities covered
by this EP will occur in permits WA-13-L and WA-45-L. The activities under this EP consist of:

• drilling and completing the Halyard-2 development well, to replace the Halyard-1 well;
• disconnect the existing Halyard-1 Xmas tree production tie in, and install long term cap;
• installing subsea equipment to connect the Halyard-2 well to the existing pipeline end manifold (PLEM); and
• pre-commissioning activities.

Commissioning and operation of the Halyard-2 well will be undertaken in accordance with the Varanus Island Hub Operations Environment Plan for Commonwealth Waters (EA-60-RI-10003) (VI Hub Ops EP (Cwth)), under revision to include the commissioning and operation of the Halyard-2 well.

The activities are planned to occur between Q2 2024 and the end of 2026. Approximate durations for components of activities are:

• Drilling and completion: approximately 50 days; and
• Subsea installation and pre-commissioning: approximately 15 days.

The activities will occur within the WA-13-L and WA-45-L, in Commonwealth waters within the Carnarvon Basin, approximately 100 km north of Onslow, Western Australia in water depths ranging from approximately 95 m to 125 m. The operational area does not intercept any Australian Marine Parks (AMPs) or state marine parks, management areas or reserves. The closest AMP is the Montebello AMP, located approximately 32 km east of the operational area. The closest state marine park is the Montebello Island Marine Park, located approximately 52 km east of the operational area.
Location map (click to enlarge)
Location map - Activity: Halyard-2 Drilling & Completion  (refer to description)

Accepted EP Documents

EP Document A1098589 (32.3 MB)
OPEP Document A1098593 (10.6 MB)

Related EP assessments

7719 (Click to view)
