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Activity - Eaglehawk-1 Wellhead Decommissioning

Activity details
Organisation Woodside Energy Ltd
Activity types Any other petroleum-related activity
In-force EP 6813
Submission date 16 November, 2021
Outcome Accepted
Acceptance date 03 May, 2022
Locations North West
Start date 20 September, 2024
Stop date Pending titleholder notification
Lifecycle Classification Decommissioning
Please note: activity start and stop dates are based on notifications provided by the titleholder.

Titleholder contact
Shannen Wilkinson
Phone: 0893484000

Activity Description
Woodside is planning to decommission the Eaglehawk-1 exploration well including removing the wellhead and permanent and temporary guide bases. The well is located in permit WA-28-P about 137 km north-west from Dampier at a water depth of approximately 120 m. The activity will be undertaken by an offshore support vessel between 2023 and 2025 and will take up to approximately 10 days to complete.
There is no credible hydrocarbon release risk from the reservoir associated with this activity as the well has been permanently plugged and abandoned with permanent downhole barriers in place.
Location map (click to enlarge)
Location map - Activity: Eaglehawk-1 Wellhead Decommissioning (refer to description)

Accepted EP Documents

EP Document A825364 (29 MB)

Related EP assessments

6813 (Click to view)
